Computer Engineering Student

Piervito Creanza

Since childhood, I have always been passionate about computer science and its applications. Before starting a BSc in Computer Engineering, I began programming as a self-taught learner at the age of 14. Although I am deeply curious about how things work and the theory behind them, I am also a very pragmatic person who wants to translate knowledge into practice, working on personal projects trying to make everyday life a little easier.


Brief summary of my education.

  1. 2021 - Present

    Politecnico Di Milano

    Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Of Computing Systems.

    Current GPA: 27/30
  2. 2016 - 2021

    Liceo Scientifico Statale C. De Giorgi

    High School Diploma in Scientific Studies.

    100/100 cum laude


A selection of personal projects.

PiervitoCreanza / GenScore_retrain

GenScore retraining

Project concerning the retraining of GenScore, a generalized protein–ligand scoring framework based on machine learning. GenScore is a state-of-the-art model employed in drug discovery to calculate the affinity degree between proteins and ligands.

Machine Learning
PiervitoCreanza / iFame


Personal project about the meal scheduler optimization problem. The algorithm utilizes a categorized list of meals and strategically assigns them to the calendar while adhering to numerous configurable constraints. The project is developed in Java using OptaPlanner and relies on a MySQL database.

PiervitoCreanza /

Personal website developed from scratch using Astro, Shadcn and Tailwind CSS. The website is designed to be easily customizable and maintainable, with a focus on performance and accessibility.


R-Esisti Education - Electron app development

Small desktop Electron app based on Vue.js to assist R-Esisti Education, a small child pedagogy center, in managing communications with their clients. The app sends a welcome email to new clients containing a link to a shared drive folder where they can upload files to share with the office.

Google Drive APIs

Home Server

In-house Ubuntu server capable of hosting private websites, RESTful APIs, and various other small projects. Moreover, it functions as a home centre through Plex media server and Home Assistant. These services are orchestrated to run autonomously within isolated Docker containers.

PiervitoCreanza /

Liceo De Giorgi - Website development

Website developed from scratch dedicated to new students of Liceo Scientifico Cosimo De Giorgi. The site is based on Jekyll and is constantly updated by non-developers through a headless cms and an auto-build feature based on Github actions.

GitHub Actions
Adobe Illustrator
PiervitoCreanza / GoogleMeetTimer

Google Meet Timer - Chrome extension

Chrome extension that gathered over 20,000 downloads and proved particularly useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. The extension added a timer feature to the Google Meet video conferencing platform, enabling users to better manage their time during meetings. In May 2021, I sold Google Meet Timer to a developer who was interested in integrating the product into their own extension.

Chrome Extension
PiervitoCreanza /

LiceaCard - Platform development

Web application developed to provide digital discount cards for selected local stores. The back-end is based on Google Firestore, while the front-end was developed from scratch. It is based on Vue.js and Google Authentication to ensure secure access to the platform.

Google Firebase

Work & Internships

A selection of my work experience.

  1. 2019 - 2021

    Volunteering - Developer

    I worked as a developer for the student newspaper My role was to develop and maintain the website, its APIs and the internal services used by my collegues. - Lecce, Italy
  2. Apr - Jul 2019

    Internship - Junior Developer

    During my internship at CO.M.Media, I was introduced to SQL databases and PHP back-ends. After grasping the fundamentals, I actively assisted the development team in their daily tasks, contributing to the implementation of several websites.

    CO.M.Media - Lecce, Italy

Honors & Awards

Politecnico di Milano

Migliori Matricole Fondo Giovani
(Best First-Year Students of the Year)

In January 2023, I was awarded the "Migliori Matricole Fondo Giovani" prize. To support equal opportunities and merit, Politecnico di Milano awards this prize to the best first-year students of each School. The prizes are awarded in the second year of enrollment based on academic performance during the first year of the Degree Course

2021/2022 Academic Year
Liceo Scientifico Statale C. De Giorgi

Albo Nazionale delle Eccellenze
(National Register of Outstanding Students)

In 2021, I was included in the "Albo Nazionale delle Eccellenze". This register is a list of students who have distinguished themselves for their academic performance and is published annually by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.